kobe logo 在 DA - NEW ME - 2021 5/24 的影片資訊
01-イソベ リサ-REPLICA+brucke 02-イノウエ アヤカ-Just Beauty Rufure 03-イワヤマ ジョウイチロウ-amy. 04-ウチボリ ヒトシ-美容室shu 05-ウ...
01-イソベ リサ-REPLICA+brucke 02-イノウエ アヤカ-Just Beauty Rufure 03-イワヤマ ジョウイチロウ-amy. 04-ウチボリ ヒトシ-美容室shu 05-ウ...
論壇連結: https://bbs.eyeuc.com/down/view/13196 成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM_edhb...
實際上一直以來NBA的LOGO都是Jerry West,儘管官方從來沒有公開承認,Jerry West他是一名白人,過去幾年當記者問他LOGO的問題時,他一直都表示,如果LOGO換人他完全不在意,他甚...
First Take | Stephen A. reacts to NBA change logo from Jerry West to Kobe Bryant...
ESPN FIRST TAKE | Stephen A. and Perkins reignites movement for Kobe as NBA Logo..'Gotta Happen'...
First Take | Stephen A. reacts to NBA change logo from Jerry West to Kobe Bryant...
UNDISPUTED - Chris Broussard reacts to Kyrie Irving wants Kobe Bryant on NBA logo...
UNDISPUTED | Chris Broussard reacts to Kyrie wants Kobe Bryant to becomes the new NBA logo...
UNDISPUTED | Chris Broussard "adhesion" Nets' Kyrie Irving wants NBA logo to honor Kobe Bryant...
UNDISPUTED - Kyrie wants Kobe Bryant to become the new NBA logo!! | Chris Broussard reacts...